There is NOTHING in this life that is more important for you to do than to decide where you will spend eternity.
If you have everything that this world can offer you - an easy life, family, friends, money, and pleasures - but you decide by default to spend eternity in Hell, then your life will have been a complete failure.
On the other hand, if you have practically nothing in this life of esteemed value, but you choose to seek God and to spend eternity with him in Heaven, then your life will have been an enormous success.
The difference isn't so much in what you have or don't have; it's in what you choose and don't choose. Jesus said, "except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
List of Articles:
What does it mean to be "Born Again"?
Is Baptism part of Salvation?
Baptism and Salvation
The Gospel - Ye Are Saved by Grace through Faith... IF Ye Believeth
Who is God? - Make it Simple (links to our Doctrine Article by this title)
A Personal Message from Our Family to You