King James?
New Bible Versions??
In this series, we intend to determine which, if any, of the books claiming to be God's Word are actually God's Word.
We are commanded to study, to search, and to continue in his word: (II Tim 2:15; Acts 17:11; John 8:31).
Therefore, as we examine various modern versions, we do so not to be confrontational or disagreeable with others, but to be obedient to these commandments of God, specifically, and to be faithful to his scriptures, in general.
List of Articles:
Foundational Articles:
The Nature of War
What About the Septuagint?
Antioch and Alexandria
NIV Says to Reject Jesus
AN Excellent Reference for King James Bible Believers - By James L. Melton
NIV Quiz - by Rex L. Cobb
Bible Memorization Test - by Pastor James Knox
Personal Pronouns - Thee, Thou, Ye, Thy, Thine, etc
Believing God's Word
Are God's Words Purified Seven Times - KJV (Ps 12:6)?
Errors in the King James Bible
An Open Letter to Cheryl
Defending God's Word Online:
How We Know the King James Bible is God's ONLY Word in English
LOST In the Confused Mind of A Pentecostal Bible College Student (A Series)
00 - LOST - Intro
01 - LOST - First Email Exchange
02 - LOST
03 - LOST
04 - LOST
06 - LOST
Is The King James Bible Wrong About Easter at Acts 12:4?
Is Eugene Peterson's book "The Message" a true copy of God's Word, the Bible?
Contradictions in the King James Bible:
01 - I Sam 17:50; II Sam 21:19: WHO KILLED GOLIATH?
02 - Gen 1:27; Gen 2:7, 20-30: The Timing of Adam and Eve's Creation
03 - Judges 4:21; Judges 5:25-27: How Did Sisera Die?
04 - I Sam 31:4; II Sam 1:10; II Sam 21:12: WHO KILLED KING SAUL?
05 - Joshua 15:21-32: HOW MANY CITIES - 29 or 36 or 38?
06 - II Sam 24:9; I Chron 21:5-6: David Numbers How Many Men of War in Israel?
07 - Acts 20:35: Did Jesus Really Say This?
08 - Matt 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; John 2:1-11: Was Jesus in the Wilderness or at the Wedding?