Gen 1:27; Gen 2:7, 20-30: The Timing of Adam and Eve's Creation
In the first chapter of Genesis (Gen 1:27), Man was created (male and female - Adam and Eve) at the same time, but
In the second chapter of Genesis (Gen 2:7, 20-23) the male (Adam) was created first, and the female (Eve) later. Is this not a contradiction of detail of events?
1. No, this is not a contradiction (the account of Gen 1:27 with Gen 2:7; 20-23). Adam and Eve were both created on the sixth day, but Adam was created before Eve.
2. If you read Matt, then Mark, then Luke and John, did Jesus come and die four times? No. The four accounts are recorded consecutively but loop back in time and retell the same story, adding more detail each time. (The book of Revelation is structured the same way - seals, trumpets and vials, each telling separate, overlapping stories that add more detail to the single chronological time-line.)
3. Likewise, the overall creation account is given in Gen chap 1, then the details of day six (being extra important as they pertain to man - God's ultimate creation, created in HIS image) are recounted in more detail for us in Gen chap 2.
4. If you listed the things you did today, without specifying the sequence of them, does that mean that you did them simultaneously, or that you contradict yourself later by specifying the sequence of them? No. It is a simple, general statement of all the things that you did TODAY.
5. Likewise, God simply stated that he created man (male and female) on day six (Gen 1:26-31). Then he rested (Gen 2:1-3), reviewed his work (Gen 2:4-6), and re-told the story in greater detail, this time specifying the order of the events that had occurred on day six, with more details included (Gen 2:7-25) so that we could understand what happened more fully and clearly.
6. You can TRUST every word in God's Word, the King James Bible!