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Bible Studies for the Church and for Christian Ministries - BIBLE STUDY ON TOUGH ISSUES 



Wigglesworth - 1 of 6 - Pentecostal 'Baptism of Fire'

Doctrine Article - D.0005_01

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(The following is part of our response to a series of emails from a man who disputed our Smith Wigglesworth_article, and who presented common arguments in support of Pentecostal experiences.  He claims to have personal experience with baptism of fire, healing, deliverance and the practice of charismatic tongues, as promoted by Wigglesworth.)

PART 1 - Wigglesworth_1_of_6_Pentecostal_Baptism_of_Fire
PART 2 - Wigglesworth_2_of_6_Pentecostal_Gift_of_Tongues
PART 3 - Wigglesworth_3_of_6_Biblical_Tongues
PART 4 - Wigglesworth_4_of_6_Joel_Prophecy_Defending_Tongues
PART 5 - Wigglesworth_5_of_6_Healing_and_Deliverance
PART 6 - Wigglesworth_6_of_6_Prophecy_Gifts_and_Pentecostal_Practice

1. In support of Smith Wigglesworth's reference to a baptism of FIRE, FIRE, FIRE for the believer, you referred to Luke chapter three, and verse 17 in particular.  This is an excellent passage! Luke 3:17 amplifies and explains the meaning of verse 16. So, please consider these thoughts:

a. Jesus will throughly purge his floor so that nothing is left on it. He does this by gathering all of the wheat and burning all of the chaff.


b. This passage says nothing about burning wheat.


c. This passage neither says nor implies anything about fire in conjunction with wheat.


d. This passage pertains to the endtime harvest. That is when the wheat will be gathered and the chaff will be burned.


e. The wheat will be gathered; not burned.


f. The chaff will be burned; not "tried". It will also not be "chastened" or "purged" or "purified" by fire. (The floor will be purged – completely cleaned; but it will not be burned with fire either. It will be purged by removal of the wheat and by removal of the chaff.)


2. Now let's consider how you had initially interpreted the verse. You said that verse 17 "shows the difference between the baptism of fire… for believers for purification..." Please note that your interpretation is entirely conjecture with respect to believers. You have inserted meaning into the passage that is neither stated in it, nor implied by it, as follows:

a. The word "baptism" is not in this text in relation to the wheat/believer (nor to the chaff/unbeliever), but you have inserted it.


b. The word "fire" is not used here, nor implied in relation to the wheat/believer, but you have inserted it.


c. The word "purification" is not used here, nor implied in relation to the wheat/believer, but you have inserted it.


d. There is no contrast made in this text between "fire" for the believer and "fire" for the unbeliever, but you have drawn that conclusion.


3. There are 515 verses of scripture referring to "fire"; none of which subjects believers themselves to fire. So, clearly, believers shall never be "baptized" with fire.


4. Luke chapter three explains the purging of the floor - by gathering of the grain and by burning of the chaff. So, you have reached an erroneous conclusion by reading your own words and (Pentecostal) doctrines into this passage when none of those words are even implied let alone explicitly stated.


5. I'm not sure if you caught this main point in my baptism_article or not - but Jesus never made a reference to baptism with fire for the believer, despite what Smith Wigglesworth taught. Jesus was speaking ONLY to his disciples (not just the twelve Apostles, but to all who continue in his word - John 8:31) when he said:

For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. (Acts 1:5)


6. Notice that Jesus did not include the words baptized "with fire" when he was speaking to his disciples. That is because the baptism with fire that John the Baptist mentioned (in Matt 3:11 and Luke 3:16) ONLY pertains to the unsaved.  Jesus will baptize the UNSAVED with fire.


7. Furthermore, John the Baptist had never made a specific reference to baptism by fire for the believer either. John the Baptist was speaking to BOTH believers and unbelievers in the crowds that followed him when he said that Jesus would baptize them with the Holy Ghost and with fire (meaning Holy Ghost for believers, and fire for unbelievers).






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