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Bible Studies for the Church and for Christian Ministries - BIBLE STUDY ON TOUGH ISSUES 



Why I Left The Tongues Movement - By Alfred H. Pohl

Doctrine Article - D.0030_17

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The Scriptures definitely teach that there is a spirit-filling for every believer. God has a plan whereby every child of His can live a new life, a life of victory, fruitfulness, and effective service for him—a life that will be Christlike and glorify God. God's basic provision to make this possible is the filling of the Holy Spirit, for we cannot live holy and God-pleasing lives in our own strength.

Have you ever asked yourself, Why did the Lord sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to indwell me? What was His purpose in doing this? As we study chapters 14 through 16 of John's Gospel we will see a number of reasons, but they all add up to one basic purpose—that we, sinners, saved by grace, may now live lives to God's glory, trophies of His grace, and that we too might be like our Saviour and Lord living Christlike lives.

The Lord knew that in our own strength this would be impossible, so He arranged that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, should indwell every believer—not only to be "with" him, but "in" him, John 14:17. (He couldn't be nearer to us, could He?) And further, He "abides with us forever"! (Jn. 14:16). Why this arrangement? That He, the Holy Spirit indwelling might, as we daily yield ourselves, our bodies, to Him, live the life of Christ through us—that we might "live" in the Spirit and "walk" in the Spirit.

All that we need to live victorious, God-pleasing lives is ours already potentially in the indwelling Holy Spirit!

But now someone will ask, "Where does the filling of the Holy Spirit come in, and what is meant by 'being filled with the Holy Spirit'?" Our answer to these questions, I believe, will determine whether we hold to the Tongues-Charismatic viewpoint or to that of the non-Tongues Christians. The Tongues-Charismatic people generally have the concept that the filling of the Holy Spirit is a crisis experience, a once-in-a-lifetime experience evidenced by the speaking in tongues. When tongues speaking occurs, it signals that the seeker "has got it." Now some do believe that there can be renewed fillings thereafter, but their whole approach to the filling leaves the impression that "now I have it," and that's it!

As a young Christian in the Movement, I got that impression when I repeatedly heard testimonies like this: "I thank the Lord that I was filled with the Holy Spirit 40, 30, 10, or whatever years ago, with the evidence of speaking with other tongues." It left me with the thought that this filling of the Holy Spirit was something like a once-in-a-lifetime inoculation. From this experience on they are perpetually "filled." And yet, in some cases, I wondered about the effectiveness of this experience when I observed some of the conduct of those who had testified. I had to ask, "If they still are filled with the Spirit, how can they do those things that are wrong?" Something didn't quite add up.

On the other hand, the non-Tongues, non-Charismatic belief generally held is that the filling of the Holy Spirit is not a once-for-all experience but involves a continual yieldedness to the indwelling Holy Spirit, so that He can bring our lives daily into submission to the Lordship of Christ, thus producing the fruit of righteousness in us. In short, it is a life, rather than a crisis-experience.

One other teaching of Tongues-Charismatic people that contributes to confusion at this point is that the filling and the baptism are one and the same experience. If they were the same, then the teaching that the filling is a once-in-a-lifetime experience should be correct, for the baptism is a once-for-all event. But we never read in Scripture of anyone experiencing a second Spirit baptism. But, we do read, several times, of Christians experiencing a fresh filling. Nowhere in Scripture do we have a command to believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, but we do have such a command regarding the filling, in Eph. 5:18.

The baptism and the filling are two different ministries of the Holy Spirit. By the baptism all believers are placed into the Body of Christ, the Church, 1 Cor. 12:13. There we read, "For by one Spirit are [or were] we all baptized into one body..." It is a once-for-all act of Christ by the Spirit that unites the believer to His Body, the Church. The word "are" here could be translated "were," which informs us that all Christians have experienced the baptism when they believed on Christ. It is not an experience to be sought again. That is why there is no command anywhere in Scripture for Christian believers to seek the baptism.

By Spirit baptism we are placed into Christ. Did you ever notice how often the phrase, "in Christ" appears in the New Testament? What does it mean?

How did we get into that position? By the baptism of the Holy Spirit. At the moment of believing on Jesus Christ we are placed into Christ by Spirit baptism.

But now let us look at the filling. Turn to Ephesians 5:18, where we read:

"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit."

Briefly notice several things that this Scripture tells us:

1) This is a command. God expects every Christian to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Are you? It is just as sinful for you not to be filled as it is for you to be "drunk."

2) The filling is not optional. It is not a case of, "If I want to I will!" No! God expects all Christians to be filled, that is His plan for all of us.

3) This command is addressed to those who already are Christians, Eph 1:1, and who have already been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ, who are "in Christ."

4) Be filled. A close look at these two words can be very helpful. The Greek here gives the thought of "being constantly under the control of" the Holy Spirit.

Years ago I looked at the filling as a once-for-all experience. One day I heard brother Theodore Epp of Back to the Bible Broadcast speak on Eph. 5:18. He pointed out the above meaning of "be filled" in the Greek. That really caught my attention and helped me immensely. It tied many Scriptures and truths together for me. For if a Christian is Spirit-filled, he is indeed Spirit-controlled. It cannot be otherwise. And if he is Spirit- controlled he is, then, under the lordship of Christ, which is where he should be. And being under the control of the Spirit he will also "walk in the Spirit" and "live in the Spirit". The Spirit-filled person, then, is the Spirit-controlled person. The Holy Spirit is not a power that you can have and use, but He is a Person, Who desires to have and use you!

5) This brings us to another thought—if He is in control, then it isn't a case of me having "more of Him" (the concept so many have today as they seek the filling), but it is a case of Him having "more of me," yes, ALL of me! (Rom. 6:13,19; 12:1-2). You cannot have more of Him, but He can, and should, have more of you.

6) Every Christian has the Holy Spirit in his life as Resident, but the Spirit-filled (controlled) Christian has Him in his life as PRESIDENT!

In summary I would like to repeat that I believe that our doctrinal views of the Holy Spirit can either thwart or fulfill God's wonderful plan and purpose that every Christian live a victorious, fruitful, and Christ- honouring life. There is no better testimony to a lost world than a Spirit- controlled LIFE with the fruit of the Spirit in manifestation (Gal. 5:22- 23). The world doesn't care how often or how loudly we shout: "Look at me, I'm filled with the Spirit because I spoke with tongues, etc.," but they do notice and care if they see a transformed LIFE, a life daily under the control of the Holy Spirit, a life that exhibits: "Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." They are witnessed to when they see Christ living in us! That is God's design for our lives; let us not disappoint Him!


Charismatics: Whither Bound?






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