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Understanding the Book of Revelation
1. This article examines the book of Revelation and is the concluding part of a letter we wrote, the first part being posted in a previous article on this website.
2. So, having briefly examined the passages for which you requested that I clarify my position, I would suggest looking into the book of Revelation now and carrying these understandings with us. I believe that the book of Revelation is far less figurative and is far more applicable to us than (I understand) you believe it to be.
3. Two keys to understanding the book of Revelation:
a. The Book of Revelation is divided (Rev 1:19) into:
1) "the things which thou hast seen" - events of chapter 1
2) "the things which are" - the seven churches that existed at that time and to which John wrote in chapters 2 & 3, (i.e.. there are not seven "church ages". Believers in every church age can learn from what was written to each of the seven churches that existed in John's day.)
3) "the things which shall be hereafter" - events from chapter 4 until the end of chapter 22. (Rev 4:1)
b. The Book of Revelation is in order, but is not in chronological order.
1) The Hebrew/biblical way of thinking/writing is cyclical with additional information presented in each retelling of the story. For example:
a) Was Jesus crucified one time or four times?
b) He was crucified once, of course, but the story is told, in total, from four perspectives: Matthew, then Mark, then Luke, then John tell us about the life of Jesus in their gospels, each looping back to commence at a previous point in the story, and each adding pieces to the puzzle or confirming (by two or three witnesses) the events that were reported to have occurred.
c) Genesis chapter 1 describes creation. Genesis chapter 2 loops back (not all the way to the beginning though) and provides more detail about some of the events.
2) Likewise, from chapter 4 to chapter 22, the book of Revelation loops back to a previous point in time (not all the way to the beginning nor to the beginning of the previous loop) and begins to re-tell a story with more details provided on each re-telling.
a) the seven Seals tell the long story (from just after Jesus' time on earth), and ends at Armageddon. (Rev 6)
b) the seven Trumpets tell the shorter story (from WW I), and ends at the battle of Armageddon. (Rev 11)
c) the seven Vials tell the really short story (beginning at or just prior to the battle of Armageddon, and ends at the end of the battle of Armageddon (Rev 16)
3) If you examine the Sixth seal, the Seventh trumpet and the Seventh Vial side-by-side, you will see that these are all describing exactly the same event. It is also the same event that is described as the Day of the Lord, the Day of Christ, among which some are found at: Isaiah 13:6-13, Joel 1:15 and chapters 2 and 3, Zechariah chapter 14, Matthew 24:29-31 and Acts 2:20.
4. What are the Seals, the Trumpets, the Thunders, the Vials:
a. the Seven Seals. The first four seals are four horses. We see the same four horses in Zechariah chapter 6 where we are given additional information about each. We are told that these are four "spirits" (Zech 6:5)
1) White Horse - the "Spirit" of Catholicism (Seal was opened during the teachings of the Apostles - even at that time there were many who were corrupting the Word of God. Or, it may have been opened later during the time of Origen, the Hexapla, the so-called Septuagint, the Vaticanus, etc, or at least by 325 A.D. under Constantine. Remember, Jesus had just gone into heaven because he said he had to go. That is because, in part, he was there to take the scroll from him who sat on the throne and to begin opening the seals.)
a) Pope has white robes, white car, white popemobile, white helicopter, white airplane and - if he has one - a white horse
b) white horse follows the black horse - (because that is where the money is - more detail below)
2) Red Horse - the "Spirit" of Communism
a) official recognized colour of Communism is Red
b) Red Russia, Red China
c) This is how we know that the final world government is a communist (/socialist - same thing) government, because the world government beast that the woman rides on is a red beast. (Rev 17:3)
d) The rider of this horse has a great sword (Besides all of the other communist states, Russia and China are mighty military powers and have killed many millions of people)
3) Black Horse - the "Spirit" of Capitalism
a) official recognized colour of Capitalism is Black
b) black horse goes into the north country (Zech 6:6). Almost all capitalist countries are in the northern hemisphere and the wealthiest of them are in the northern hemisphere - hence why the white horse follows after
c) rider carries a set of balances (symbol of trade and commerce)
d) two measures of wheat for a penny - oil and wine - appears to be a description of a stockmarket report
4) Pale Horse (Grizzled, Bay - Zech 6)
a) Death (and Hell followed)
b) Good probability that this is the "Spirit" of Islam:
A. official colour of Islam is a Pale Green
B. Pale horse is given power over 1/4 of the earth. (1.5 billion people are Muslim - 1/4 of earth)
C. Muslim people dress profusely in pale green clothing, scarves, use pale green flags, etc
D. Muslims reject Christ and therefore are unsaved. Hell would naturally follow their deaths
E. Islam clearly teaches a doctrine and gospel of Death
F. Even the name Palestinian has "Pale" in it.
5) Souls under the Alter
a) Begins the great tribulation spoken of by Jesus in Matt 24
b) Perfect sequencing with fourth seal - rise of Islam, beheadings and gospel of death
6) Day of the Lord
a) Armageddon
b) Concurrent with 7th trumpet and 7th vial
7) Silence in Heaven - end of the end
a) perhaps silence in heaven because Jesus and his saints are on earth; those in heaven are silent
b) perhaps silence in heaven because the wedding is in progress - the Bride of Christ and the Bridegroom
b. the Seven Trumpets
1) World War I
a) no previous wars with even 1 million deaths
b) WW I had 8 million deaths - makes sense that God would prophesy such a catastrophic event
c) first war with airplanes; hence hail and fire mingled with blood as bombs fell
d) first time official "scorched earth policy" was employed - burned all green grass as armies retreated
2) World War II
a) WW II had 52 million deaths - again makes sense that God would prophesy such a catastrophic event
b) approximately 105,000 ships participated in WW II; approximately 36,000 of them were sunk - one third (just as prophesied)
c) first employment of a nuclear bomb - makes sense that God would prophesy this
d) nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima would look exactly like a mountain burning with fire and Hiroshima is on a little island in the sea - Japan
3) Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster - April 1986
a) worst nuclear disaster in history - makes sense that God would prophesy such a catastrophic event
b) Ukrainian word "Chernobyl" means "wormwood".
c) Many people died because of the waters - it rained incessantly for weeks following the disaster, which spread nuclear radiation across Europe and exposed millions to threat of cancer
4) Shortening of the Days
a) Jesus spoke of the shortening of the days in Matt 24:22
b) Many of the scriptures referring to the Day of the Lord include the phrase "the sun shall be darkened and the moon turn to blood" or variations of those words, before the great and notable Day of the Lord.
c) The number of days cannot be shortened or it would throw off God's prophesied timetable in many places. Therefore in order for the days to be shortened, the length of each day must change.
d) Chickens working on a shortened cycle of light and darkness - to produce more eggs - eventually go nuts. (Could some of the crime and lunacy in today's world be understood by realizing that God has sped everything up in order to shorten the days?)
e) It's not scientific, but time just seems to be flying - it makes sense that the days have been shortened.
5) Gulf War - 1991 - the First Woe
a) Saddam set the oilfields on fire in Kuwait and the sun was not seen for three months, by reason of the smoke of the fires. At noon, it was as dark as midnight.
b) The "locusts" coming out of the smoke were shaped like horses going into battle (helicopters?) They had breastplates of iron, faces of men and wings that sounded like the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle (helicopters?)
c) The locusts had a "king" over them named Abaddon or Apollyon - the destroyer. The name Saddam means the destroyer because he caused his mother so much pain during the pregnancy that she almost died and so she called him Saddam.
d) "In those days" many people were tortured by Saddam's regime and they sought death, but they were kept alive to be tortured even more. ("and death shall flee from them")
6) World War III - the Second Woe
a) Possibly began on September 11, 2001
b) Angels bound in the Euphrates River are loosed - obviously evil angels.
A. The Euphrates River is entirely Muslim controlled. It starts in Turkey, goes through Syria and runs completely through Iraq
B. War on Terror presently has troops along much of the Euphrates in Iraq
C. War on Terror is really a war between Islam and the West
c) One third of man will die - that would be 2 billion people
d) Number of the army - 200 thousand thousand (200 million)
A. Mao Tse Tung boasted of being able to field an army of 200 million soldiers.
B. CIA factbook lists China's military strength of being just over 200 million fit for war
C. Muslim World (Pale Horse) can also supply 200 million militants
e) China/Taiwan threat could trigger nuclear war - with this number of deaths
f) North Korea threat against South Korea could trigger nuclear war - with the number of deaths
g) Iranian dispute over nuclear program could trigger nuclear war
h) Cyclical Waves of Muslim violence we have seen could swell to critical mass, enflaming the millions of Muslims who haven't yet fought for their religion. Nuclear war would likely be necessary and could result in this number of deaths.
7) Armageddon - the Third Woe
a) same as sixth seal and seventh vial
b) this seventh trumpet is the "last trump" (I Cor 15:52) - the gathering of the saints
c) end of man's government on earth and beginning of Jesus' government on earth.
c. the Seven Thunders. We don't know. God told John not to write these things.
d. the Seven Vials
1) A noisesome and grievous sore (Note that it says "a" sore and only on those who had the mark of the beast) - probably from exploded chip implants which are known to cause such a sore if radiated by high energy - such as a microwave oven - or, in this case, an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) device - high altitude detonation of a nuclear weapon at commencement of Armageddon
2) sea becomes blood (makes sense - the world is at war)
3) rivers and fountains become blood (makes sense - the world is at war)
4) sun scorches men
5) darkness and pain
6) Euphrates river dried up to make way for kings of the east to invade Israel. The Attaturk dam in Turkey was completed in 1990 and it was used to cut off the flow of the Euphrates for an entire month while the reservoir was being filled. The Euphrates can now be stopped for a couple of days with the push of button to raise that dam.
7) Same as sixth seal and seventh trumpet - the Day of the Lord - end of Man's government on earth and beginning of the government of Jesus on earth.
5. Just as the four horses of Revelation can be found in Zechariah, the Four beasts of Revelation 16 can be found in Daniel chapter 7. Actually, Revelation 16 speaks of ONE beast with seven heads and ten horns, but these are really the four beasts of Daniel chapter 7 brought together into a combined beast.
a. Remember that a beast represents a kingdom (and/or the ruler of that kingdom)
b. Therefore the Seven-headed, ten-horned combined beast of Revelation chapter 16 is a conglomerate kingdom - a super kingdom with combined characteristics
c. Notice how this beast is combined from the beasts of Daniel 7 - mouth of the Lion, feet of the bear, body of the leopard, ten-horns of the ten-horned beast. Count the heads - seven - (one for the lion, one for the bear, one for the ten-horned beast and four for the leopard). Count the horns - ten (all from the ten-horned beast of Daniel 7).
d. Notice that the beast speaks with the mouth of the Lion. The Lion is Britain. British people speak English, and the official international language today for transnational organizations, including NGO's and that of the UN itself, is ENGLISH - the mouth of the Lion.
e. One of the heads was wounded unto death - Hitler's third Reich (one of the leopard's heads) was wounded unto death and the Berlin wall divided Germany, as a symbol of that deadly wound. In 1989 the Berlin wall was torn down and the "New World Order" was on the lips of virtually every politician. The New World Order is global government - the conglomerate beast of Revelation 16. At that time, I remember very well, the Berlin wall was called (by TIME and NEWSWEEK magazines among others) the 29 wound that just won't heal, and other similar things.
f. The "healing" of Germany with the fall of the Berlin wall made the entire world "wonder" after the conglomerate beast (Rev 13:3), and we have rapidly been moving into empowering this world government ever since.
6. I trust that this gives you reasonable insight into my view of these subjects and explains my concern for having first contacted you. As always, I would welcome your views as your time permits.
Rejoicing that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life,
Mike & family
NOTE: Although we do not endorse some of his other beliefs, we appreciate the faithful research of Irvin Baxter, Jr of Endtime Magazine for clarifying our understanding of many of these prophetic things.
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