Documented Proof!! - Earthquakes in Divers Places - Matt 24:7
1. Whenever we heard of an earthquake, back in the 1970s, there would typically be some discussion associated with it pertaining to the "rapture", the "Second Coming" of Christ, or the "endtimes", etc.
2. Those were exciting days, and included great anticipation of our seeing prophesy fulfilled right before our eyes - especially with events like the Yom Kippur War of 1973, in Israel, a mere six years after the infamous Six Day War of 1967.
3. Even though those events came and went with the speed of flowing molasses - in a slowly unfolding drama that brought yawns to the expressions of many people - there were some of us who maintained a keen interest in them. And to this day continue to maintain that interest.
4. Surprisingly - and unknown to me at the time - talk of such things created fear in others. Why? I don't know. It shouldn't have. To know that we could actually rely upon the God who brought these things to pass EXACTLY in accordance with his written word, is the ultimate faith-builder - as it ought to be. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:17). And Jesus, himself, said that he told us what would happen before it happened, so that when it happened, we might believe (John 14:29).
5. So, let's have a serious look at what he said. There are many prophecies that we could consider here, but let's revisit this one about "earthquakes in divers places".
6. When reading Matthew chapter 24, notice first of all that the "wars and rumours of wars" about which we have all heard for so many years is NOT the Great Tribulation, nor the end of the world, nor any other specific endtime event. It is simply a general description of the endtime era that could reasonably be applied to any decade since about World War I - which was probably the First Trumpet war of Revelation 8:7.
7. As in the 1970s, there has often been talk of increasing earthquakes, but usually by way of conflicting reports; and with no hard evidence.
8. But now...
9. But now...things are not like they were.
10. The United States Geologic Survey (USGS) is the official agency - instituted by the U.S. Congress - to track earthquakes and to provide timely information to minimize damage caused by those earthquakes.
11. According to the USGS website, the number of earthquakes around the world of magnitude 6.0 or greater are as depicted in the chart below. (I have attached a complete_list_of_these_specific_earthquakes, along with links to the source documentation.)
12. In case you might think that this trend may not continue, consider the earthquakes that are posted below - and selected at random - which have occurred in the past SEVEN DAYS (Chart below).
13. Now, these are all of the earthquakes that are of magnitude 5.0 and higher (there are 38 of them), but they include FIVE that are above 6.0 - in a ONE WEEK period. That is the equivalent of more than ONE YEAR'S worth of earthquakes occurring in any decade prior to the year 2000 - all in ONE WEEK!
14. Size 5.0 to 5.9 (Richter Scale) earthquakes are considered to be "Moderate" strength. Size 6.0 to 6.9 are "Strong". Because the scale is logarithmic, a 6.0 quake is TEN times the "size" of a 5.0 quake and releases 32 times as much energy!
Latest Earthquakes M5.0+ in the World - Past 7 days
Magnitude 5 and greater earthquakes located by the USGS and contributing networks in the last week (168 hours). Magnitudes 6 and above are in red. (Some early events may be obscured by later ones on the maps.)
The most recent earthquakes are at the top of the list. Times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Click on the word "map" to see a ten-degree tall map displaying the earthquake. Click on an event's "DATE" to get a detailed report.
Update time = Fri Jun 24 18:20:58 UTC 2011
Update time = Sat Jun 25 19:00:04 UTC 2011
15. Let's look at Matt 24:7 again. We learned from verse six that the "wars and rumours of wars" themselves would not signal the end:
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places (Matt 24:7).
16. The beginning of sorrows starts with the famines, pestilences and earthquakes! On the basis of the earthquakes alone, I believe that we are now in that period known as "the beginning of sorrows".
17. But, if you add to that, the evidence of tens of thousands of birds that have mysteriously fallen from the air, dead, the tens of thousands of various fish that have washed up on shore, dead, and the reports of other mysterious deaths; the pestilences would appear to be in progress now as well.
18. And, with the cost of production and transportation of food now, there are already famines and hard times felt around the world.
19. Finally, with the "Arab Spring" and other sources of unrest in the Middle-East (in particular), we appear to be on the verge of the sixth-trumpet war that is prophesied to kill one-third part of man. (Which if literal, would mean a nuclear war that kills just over two billion people) and would perfectly fulfill the "nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" part of this verse. That too would accelerate the famine and pestilence.
20. Notice how the King James Bible says that the earthquakes shall be in "divers" places. People who correct the bible (and use modern versions) miss the truth of scripture when they do so. They usually change this to say "diverse", as in "various" - which would also hold true - but, it loses part of its meaning. Take a look at the map of earthquakes below and notice how the vast majority of earthquakes are in tropical ("divers") places.
21. This map shows earthquakes in the last SEVEN DAYS and it is updated continually at the USGS website.

22. It may be a coincidence, but this verse also just happens to be 24/7 - Matthew 24/7 - a significant increase in earthquakes occurring, "around the clock" seems to have signaled the "beginning of sorrows".
Rejoicing that our names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20). If yours is not; please write to us.