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Bible Studies for the Church and for Christian Ministries - BIBLE STUDY ON TOUGH ISSUES 



Questions about Christmas - Is it Right to Celebrate?

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1. I have been a bible believing Christian for many years (40+) but have gradually shed the idea that the "true meaning of Christmas" was ever related to the birth of Jesus. Religious origins? Yes, no doubt. But no one has been able to answer a few basic questions for me:

a. How does a dead evergreen, cut from the forest, decorated with silver and gold, and fastened that it move not (Jer 10:1-5) relate more to the birth of Jesus Christ than to heathen idol worshippers, let alone relate to the birth of Jesus Christ at all?


b. How do most of the traditions (Mark 7:9-13), or even any of them, honestly relate to the birth of Jesus?


c. Why would we celebrate the birth of Christ on Dec 25, Christ-mass (death of Christ), when most people know that he wasn't born in the winter and many know that other gods were worshipped on that day?


d. Shouldn't we simply listen to what God has said to do, and do it? (Specifically, "learn not the way of the heathen ...")

2. I don't believe that the truth can be advanced in a vehicle of non-truth.


3. I don't believe that the truth can be mixed with anything else, because anything less than the truth is no longer the truth.


4. Whenever we compromise, we lose something. If we had the truth to start with, then what we lose (in compromising) is truth. Since its birth, the Catholic church has continually duped Christians into compromising the truth; and because of that, the true church continues to suffer. I believe that we should preach the gospel of Jesus Christ - transgression of God's law, repentance, and salvation through Jesus Christ - without becoming partners with the mother of harlots in the process.


5. Jesus never promised that we would be merry in the world at all (John 16:33; II Tim 3:12). Therefore, let's strive to be godly - not to be merry.


6. We will never spread the truth, if we package it in a lie. Christ has never been (and will never be) in Christ-mass.


7. If these truths find no home in your heart then further comment from me would be unfruitful. But, if you desire to know more, then please feel free to write to us.




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